I was born kicking and screaming in 1971, and that hasn’t changed much in the intervening 40+ years. Growing up is overrated.
I was born and inbred in Exeter with a comedy Devonian accent.
I have a short attention span, no patience and I get bored very easily and that applies equally to monotonous tasks or dull people.
I’m not what you would call a “people person”, in fact I prefer to keep people as far as possible from me. You’d have thought social media would be a great thing for someone with my avoidant personality defects, but I loathe that as much as face to face. But at least I can have friends 3,000 miles away and just not load up Facebook.
I suffer from manic depression and chronic anxiety issues, so I’m either incredibly happy and productive or lethargic and miserable. I also suffer from avoidant personality disorder. What a catch I am!
On paper, I’m thick as pig shit. I failed all my exams due to be hungover or stoned but I had grown up a bit when it came to my college exams, I was just drunk. That didn’t stop me getting a 99% score in microsystems coding in assembler, which was a clue as to what direction my life was going to be heading in.
Time to blow my own trumpet, mostly as no other fucker will do it for me, but I’m a damn good developer and I should hope so as I’ve been programming computers since I first got a ZX Spectrum back in 1983. After the initial six months of playing games, I got bored so I started programming. First in BASIC and then in Z80 assembler.
Today that’s all gone to shit as I’m web developer and server administrator, mostly using WordPress writing themes, plugins and a shit ton shortcodes for corporate web sites.
In my spare time, I enjoy reading about history and science, playing World of Tanks Blitz (less toxic than WoT), and occasionally I dabble with programming for shits and giggles with a like minded group of people in a group Neokortex. You can see the shit I do on my obviousdisaster.dev site.
Busy, busy.
I’ve long since stop giving a flying fuck what people think of me, so bearing that in mind, if you want to message me, feel free.