Emma Thompson, yes that famous actress who appeared in such classics as… no it’ll come to me eventually, is rehashing rewriting My Fair Lady. A wonderful job I’m sure since rewriting what’s already been written isn’t exactly a taxing job.
Anyhoo, she’s attacked Audrey Hepburn as being “twee” and saying she “couldn’t sing and couldn’t act.” Yeah that’s a little rich coming from you Emma, who was in erm, god damn I still can’t remember any of your films. maybe IMDB can help refresh my memory. Nope, a load of shite, and the only thing I can remember of her is appearing on QI and being married to luvvie Kenneth Branagh.
Look love, in 30 years time a A Breakfast at Tiffany’s will be remembered while your pile of kack like Maybe Baby will be long resigned to the bargain bucket of Poundland.
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