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Last night Joe Cienkowski blocked me. Again.But friends, let’s not be unhappy at such an incident.

I’m actually quite glad the fucking idiot has blocked me, it means I don’t have to endlessly repeat myself every five minutes before the idiot can’t understand basic things… like words.I was beginning to lose my patience at him anyway, and I guess asking eight (I think) times in one day proof that radiometric dating is wrong didn’t help.

I’ve been tweeted things by people like his love of peaches…


… his terrible chat up technique…


.. and his love of demonstrating that sending a link to Playboy constitutes evidence of “intelligent design”! (excuse the colour coding, I had to grab it from Google’s cache)


I mean Playboy, for fucks sake, no taste at all and all that shows in the main is that are surgeon’s out there who can do really good breast implants!

But I knew all this before hand. I knew he was a despicable person, I just wanted to keep the discussion civil.

It’s that’s not going to stop me following the plank, or blogging his best lines, which I admit I am well behind on. He’s still on my creationist-loons list I just watch it and laugh as his irrational, illogical and very poorly thought out arguments flood my screen.

As one door closes, another opens and more creationist-loons seem to chat to me now.

Aren’t I the lucky one!

Joe Cienkowski
1. Joe Cienkowski spits his dummy out. Again.
2. Joe Cienkowski and the HPT
3. @JoeCienkowski and his Human Population Timeline
4. @JoeCienkowski and evidence for Jesus H Christ
5. @JoeCienkowski and dragons, dinosaurs and unicorns!
6. @joecienkowski ‘Grand Reality’ PDF
7. Evolution isn’t hard to understand, so says Joe Cienkowski who should know better
8. “Evolution isn’t hard to understand” says Joe Cienkowski. Oh really?
9. Yay! @JoeCienkowski has finished his new pamphlet, I mean book
10. @joecienkowski conversion rate
11. @joecienkowski speaks with ill-founded confidence on dinosaurs
12. Another challenge from @JoeCienkowski and I can’t help but bite
13. @JoeCienkowski: Hitler used children, disarmed Germany
14. Joe Cienkowski talks bollocks #132 : Gun control
15. Joe Cienkowski talks bollocks #24 : Obama and slandering Islam quotemine
16. Debate between @JoeCienkowski & @ScientiaPercept
17. Joe Cienkowski vs Scientia Perceptum: “Is the Noachian Flood supported or refuted by Science?”
18. Round 3 of Science VS the Noachian Flood myth with Joe Cienkowski & Scientia Perceptum

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