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The Weimar Republic had some of the toughest laws against gun control, mostly thanks to the terms of the Versailles treaty.

Enter the Nazi’s, and the 1938 German Weapons Act which relaxed the laws so you could own a gun at 18 instead of 20, permits updated every three years instead of one year and the exemptions from any gun control applied to millions of people. Oh and Jews were forbidden to own guns.

You’re lying fuck Peachy, and a little research shows you’re a little fuck.

So fucking retarded, even Jesus thinks you're a fucking loser
So fucking retarded, even Jesus thinks you’re a fucking loser
Joe Cienkowski
1. Joe Cienkowski spits his dummy out. Again.
2. Joe Cienkowski and the HPT
3. @JoeCienkowski and his Human Population Timeline
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6. @joecienkowski ‘Grand Reality’ PDF
7. Evolution isn’t hard to understand, so says Joe Cienkowski who should know better
8. “Evolution isn’t hard to understand” says Joe Cienkowski. Oh really?
9. Yay! @JoeCienkowski has finished his new pamphlet, I mean book
10. @joecienkowski conversion rate
11. @joecienkowski speaks with ill-founded confidence on dinosaurs
12. Another challenge from @JoeCienkowski and I can’t help but bite
13. @JoeCienkowski: Hitler used children, disarmed Germany
14. Joe Cienkowski talks bollocks #132 : Gun control
15. Joe Cienkowski talks bollocks #24 : Obama and slandering Islam quotemine
16. Debate between @JoeCienkowski & @ScientiaPercept
17. Joe Cienkowski vs Scientia Perceptum: “Is the Noachian Flood supported or refuted by Science?”
18. Round 3 of Science VS the Noachian Flood myth with Joe Cienkowski & Scientia Perceptum

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