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It’s not unusual for a blog post by Joe Cienkowski to be a steaming pile of shit, full of different typeface sizes, colours, underlining, bolding which makes it hard to concentrate on the text because it goes all over the fucking place.

But this week he really tried to blog about an experience on Twitter, and bless his little cotton socks, he fails as fucking usual.

Unfortunately he’s caught me after my transition from answering fuckwittery creationism with politeness to answering creationism fuckwittery with the utter contempt it deserves.

Anyway, Joe is attacking @RosaRubicondior, @ByDLeft, @TroyBeast, @ItsThatBriGuy, @FelixQui and @AnnraoiOD and these are people who have a far stronger grasp of reality than Peachy.

The blog post is full of shit and fallacious arguments as is the norm, but basically he’s saying that he’s not a liar:

Show me supporting evidence that I’m either 1) lying or 2) have not bothered to understand what atheism really is.

Well where do we start. Shall we start with your lies: *deep breathe*

  • Atheism is a religion (by definition, no it isn’t)
  • Abiogenesis is spontaneous generation repackaged (no it isn’t)
  • Abiogenesis is part of evolution (no it isn’t)
  • There’s no proof of evolution (yes there is)
  • Carbon dating is wrong and the scientists are lying about (no they aren’t)
  • Issac Asimov came up with C14 half-life of 5,730 (no he didn’t)
  • Evolution is biologically impossible (no it isn’t)
  • The Bible is inerrant (no it isn’t and you don’t answer the examples given)
  • The Bible is infallible (no it isn’t and you don’t answer the examples given)
  • The “Human Population Timeline” (it’s full of shit)
  • The “Atheist Highway” (it’s full of shit)
  • The “Atheist Commandments” (that’s your construct, not atheists)
  • “Dr” Kent Hovind is a great scientist (no he isn’t)
  • The earth is part of a closed system (no it isn’t)
  • Atheism is a disbelief in God (no it isn’t, and if it was it’s ALL gods)
  • Archaeopteryx isn’t a transitional fossil (yes it is)
  • Coelacanths disprove evolution (no it doesn’t)
  • “Giant sized fossils: Recently, a sloth the size of a grizzly bear, a camel twice the normal size, and many other giant sized fossils coincided with the Bible, which says things used to live hundreds of years” (size and strength is nothing to do with evolution)
  • Neanderthals were larger and strong so disprove evolution (size and strength is nothing to do with evolution)
  • Darwin recanted his theory on his deathbed (no he didn’t)
  • James Hutton made up millions of years (no he didn’t)
  • You described yourself as a “creation biologist” (not even fucking close)
  • Evolution is religious (no it isn’t)
  • The Miller-Urey experiment was a failure (no it wasn’t and you’re misunderstand the point of that experiment)
  • Humans and apes have no common ancestor (yes they do)
  • Lucy was an ape (no it wasn’t)
  • Life came from nothing (evolution say no such thing)
  • On changes to the body for us to change to humans: “They would’ve had to have evolved, as well as the heart, lungs, blood, bones, male and female distinctions, systems of the body, simultaneously” (utter bollocks you’ve made up. Evolution says no such thing)
  • Big bang (matter, space and time) is to do with evolution (no it isn’t)
  • Life came from rocks (utter bollocks you’ve made up. Evolution says no such thing)
  • “The Earth is 70% water, plenty of water to form a flood” (no it isn’t, which is why we aren’t flooded now)
  • “Grand Canyon; it is a giant spillway of biblical proportions. We see many smaller versions from floods” (No evidence for a global flood… ANYWHERE)
  • Richard Dawkins supports intelligent design (“hypothetically” and context passed you by)

Those are your lies off the top of my head. I would link to an article refuting each and every one of your pathetic lies, but you won’t read them anyway. But hope springs eternal, so look up on PubMed or Google Scholar.

You’ve been repeating the same lies, misrepresentations and your own bollocksed up idea of science continuously for three long, boring years, despite being told your wrong, and shown evidence to show you’re wrong. You cannot even be arsed to read the links your sent, or for that matter comprehend the links you post which most of the time refute the point you think they’re making!

All you’ve got is the same tired material from Kent Hovind’s lecture that you blindly accept and then regurgitate, after all, how could the brilliant scientist “Dr” Hovind be wrong. So wrong that his equally cretinous son Eric Hovind has tried his damndest to remove the shit that was thrown at your hero before he was jailed for not rendering unto Caesar.

So that’s your lies, let’s deal with your not having a fucking clue what atheism is.

In your “book” Atheism is a religion, the clue to you not know is in the title, you say:

I’m here to convert you to theism. I’m friends with many atheists and have many that I regularly talk to. I speak regularly literally to hundreds of atheists

I call bullshit.

I see atheists as so far away from the truth that not only don’t they know God personally, but they don’t even know God exists

Jeez. Look, atheism is very simply a lack of belief in any god of any religion, anywhere. You on the other hand project your goat fuckers myth shite onto atheism, and you come up with the comical “atheist commandments”, “atheist churches” and “atheist tenants” to make it look like a religion in your eyes. And to try and sell a few books. If, and that’s a big fucking “if” you have atheist friends, then which one of these twats said “Fuck me Joe, you’re right. We have churches, tenets, etc.”  I’ll answer it for you, because I know what the answer probably is… you didn’t fucking ask anyone, you just thought it sounded so good.

I’m not just going to single you out for be stupid, I’ll throw in @starchasr, @godloving666, @piltdownsupermn and any other fuckwitted cretinist creationist out there on Twitter.

Your collective “research” and “love” of science and shitting on the scientific method stretches to reading simplistic bullshit served up for fucktards on Answers in Genesis, Creation Ministries Inc, Creation Today, Discovery Institute and Institute of Creation Research. Then the likes of you lemmings commit intellectual suicide by acting as a relay, spreading the manure of creationism and ignoring the refutations.

This post is why I, and everyone else on the internet, can confidently call you a fucking liar and a fucking idiot. It’s not an insult, it’s a fact.

Joe Cienkowski
1. Joe Cienkowski spits his dummy out. Again.
2. Joe Cienkowski and the HPT
3. @JoeCienkowski and his Human Population Timeline
4. @JoeCienkowski and evidence for Jesus H Christ
5. @JoeCienkowski and dragons, dinosaurs and unicorns!
6. @joecienkowski ‘Grand Reality’ PDF
7. Evolution isn’t hard to understand, so says Joe Cienkowski who should know better
8. “Evolution isn’t hard to understand” says Joe Cienkowski. Oh really?
9. Yay! @JoeCienkowski has finished his new pamphlet, I mean book
10. @joecienkowski conversion rate
11. @joecienkowski speaks with ill-founded confidence on dinosaurs
12. Another challenge from @JoeCienkowski and I can’t help but bite
13. @JoeCienkowski: Hitler used children, disarmed Germany
14. Joe Cienkowski talks bollocks #132 : Gun control
15. Joe Cienkowski talks bollocks #24 : Obama and slandering Islam quotemine
16. Debate between @JoeCienkowski & @ScientiaPercept
17. Joe Cienkowski vs Scientia Perceptum: “Is the Noachian Flood supported or refuted by Science?”
18. Round 3 of Science VS the Noachian Flood myth with Joe Cienkowski & Scientia Perceptum

Comments (2)

  1. For “Evolution is biologically impossible” you should reply “No it isn’t impossible” or “Yes it is possible.” You’re current answer could be misconstrued as agreeing with him and if Peachy Joe can misconstrue something, you know he will.

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