I see this is doing the rounds on Facebook again.
Which Sharia Laws are you speaking of? Oh, you mean you can’t think of any? That might be because, and let’s be clear about this, THERE ISN’T ANY FUCKING SHARIA LAW IN THE UK! It’s not recognised in the UK. It’s not recognised under UK law. There are no Sharia exceptions in UK law.
The Islamic Sharia Council, which has 100 or so courts in the UK, act overwhelming on marriage issues in Muslim communities, wish are NOT legally binding. You’re upset over that? Well maybe you should be upset about similar Jewish courts that have been operating for much longer. No ssshhhhh be quiet, they aren’t muzzies so they’re ok.
Maybe you mean the Muslim Arbitration Tribunals, whose decisions are legally binding? Now, that’s bollocks as well. ANY arbitration where the parties agree is legally binding, see the Arbitration Act 1996.
So, you knuckle dragging, Daily Mail reading, UKIP cunts… where is this Sharia Law that you are so terrified of?
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